Thursday, February 5, 2009


One week ago today I had to take Cole to see his pediatrician. He will be another post at another time though.

So it turns out that Cole has RSV and double ear infections. RSV stands for respiratory syncytial virus.

A lot of children that may already have a compromised respiratory system may have to be hospitalized when they get RSV. As you may know, Cole has very low trunk tone which compromises any organs in his trunk.

We were very fortunate to not have to worry about that this time around. Generally Cole is very healthy, other than his constant bowel problems and his lack of sleeping, which seems to be more bothersome for me than him.

He has almost completed his round of antibiotics and I can see major improvements. He still has his fussy moments but has started jabbering more and seems to be happy more frequently.


  1. I am glad he is showing improvement. I hope he gets over the RSV soon. I know how hard it is on you when he is sick.

  2. I am so glad he seems to be doing better. I know how scary RSV can be. Get better, little man!!

  3. Oh I have heard how bad this can be. Glad to hear he is doing better.

  4. HOpe he's gets back to normal soon!

  5. RSV sucks... I am sorry he has to deal with that. Cole is getting so fast. I looked at some of those other pics and its crazy how that happens. Violet is turning one next month and it is too much!...but not in the too much sort of way, just the i can't believe it sort of way.

  6. Hi there.
    I'm the mom to a preemie and I have added your blog to my special list of friends to visit.
    Hope to get to know you and your little guy better. My son got RSV after his lasy synagis shot last year and it was the worst.
    I hope your little Cole gets well soon. Come visit us at God Gave Me You.

  7. Sure hope Cole is better now. From experience, I know RSV is no fun. Love to little man!

  8. Hmm, I was sure I commented here. I wanted to say "poor little guy!" glad he's still home! We has a few RSV kiddos admitted to the hospital over the weekend, totally NOT fun!
